Legal Aid in Jersey
The purpose of Legal Aid in Jersey is to provide assistance to individuals with a legal need who cannot afford the full costs of legal representation.
What do you need legal help with?
Legal aid is available for family law matters and disputes where there are
dependent children.
Legal aid is available for civil claims and disputes including eviction, contractual
claims and professional negligence.
Legal aid is available for legitimate human rights claims and proceedings, subject
to claims being assessed on merit.
Legal aid is available to parents and carers in care and supervision proceedings
under the Children Law.
Legal aid is not available for personal injury and medical negligence claims, however, a specialist legal panel has been established to assess claims.
Applying for Legal Aid
Legal Aid is only available to individuals in relation to criminal, family and civil issues and proceedings in Jersey
In family and civil matters, you may be required to contribute towards your legal costs. No personal contributions are payable in criminal matters.
Legal Aid is not available to businesses, clubs or societies
Legal Aid (other than in criminal matters) is generally only available to people living in Jersey
Legal Aid is means-tested and is only available to those who meet the financial eligibility criteria
Legal Aid is not available for all matters e.g. minor criminal matters, debt, employment or family matters where there are no dependent children.